Newsletter #13: Rust for JavaScript Developers

Hello, everyone! 👋
Welcome to a new edition of my little newsletter, with updates on my current projects, upcoming talks, and workshops, as well as interesting stuff that I found on the internet! Enjoy!
Rust for JavaScript Developers #
I have some exciting news. I’ve teamed up with the people from to do a three-hour workshop all about Rust. It is designed for JavaScript developers, and we take an existing Express.js application and port it to Rust. I will take you from scaffolding a new project up to deploying your app. By staying on familiar ground (the app) I will guide you through all of Rust’s concepts like ownership and borrowing, error handling, and concurrency, and will show you the maturity of the eco-system.
At the end of this session, you will understand where and when to use Rust, and if Rust is a good tool for your work.
Check it out here:
Update on the TypeScript cookbook #
I just send 8 and a half chapters of the TypeScript cookbook to my editor. If you want to know the current state, I posted an intermediate table of contents on Mastodon. I expect to be done with the final manuscript early next year!
Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - one library at a time #
My friend Marvin has written a fantastic article on JavaScript performance. Why switch to a new language and ecosystem if a few small changes will speed up your software tremendously? I smell a conference talk here!
JavaScript is Scheme #
I stumbled upon Yulia Startsev’s personal website, which is a proof of concept that JavaScript syntax can be written and read like Scheme. Check out Yulia’s website and look at the examples. They run (with a library) but are valid JavaScript code. There is no language parser involved, just a few function calls. This is so much fun, I rarely spent so much time with a personal website.
See you next time #
Thank you for reading the latest issue. I hope you enjoy it and we see each other soon!
– Stefan