
Digital Visions 2013


Last friday Jürgen Liechtenecker and company held the Digital Visions conference in Vienna for the second time. I was invited to speak and got the amazing opportunity to try out a new talk in front of an interested crowd. Digital Visions quickly became the no. 1 meeting point for all Front End devs and UX people in Austria, and I was not only happy to see a lot of familiar faces from Linz and Vienna, but also meet cab sharing buddy Sven Wolfermann again. He's an amazing speaker and combines true "Berliner Schnauze" with a lot of interesting information. Have fun in Amsterdam, pal, see you in Düsseldorf at the latest!


I was also happy to meet Gerrit van Aaken and Thomas Nägele, who were among the speakers. Great guys who shared a lot of interesting thoughts on the current state of the web. Gerrit was all about web typography and gave truly good information on how to use web fonts correctly and explained why some things just suck. If you know German, check out his amazing book. This comprehensive write-up cleared (respectively supported) all my doubts on font hosting services. Plus he was really interested in everything that happened at the conference and provided some good discussions.


Thomas on the other hand supported the philosophy that designers should code and work in the browser. I loved how he explained his design workflow and showed again that designing/deciding in the browser is not only fancy but a necessity. And he gave a lot of connecting points to my talk. Thank you for that, mate!

I really loved being there. It was motivating and inspirational. Thanks to Jürgen, Sue, Christoph, Stephan, Sarah and co. for creating an awesome event. Would love to join again next year!

Oh, and on a side note: Andreas, Thomas, Kev: Nice post-conference beer. Should do that again!


For full coverage check out their Lanyrd page. Here are some sources and additional information to my talk "The perfect Steak"


You can find the slides on Speakerdeck. Fotos are done by the Liechteneckers. Check out their Facebook page for more.

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